Following the gruesome killing of Deborah Samuel, a Christian female student at Shehu Shagari College of Education in Wamako, an ASokoto government official has threatened that more Christians in Nigeria will be murdered if they say things considered disrespectful to their revered Prophet Muhammad.
Anas Mohammad Sani, a personal assistant to the Sokoto finance commissioner, had claimed that Ms Samuel was brutally murdered because she was careless with her words, according to his Facebook bio.
Zara Oyinye, a pro-President Muhammadu Buhari regime social media contractor, took to Facebook to comment on the Sokoto mob’s killing of the Christian student.
In response to Ms Oyinye’s post, Mr Sani, also known on Facebook as Uncle Anas Dakura, insisted that Ms Samuel was murdered by a Muslim mob.
He warned, “Muslims don’t take insults against beloved prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in whatever form.”