It was great jubilation for AMABA IKPUTU FC that Won the finals match of Wondrous Star Unity Football Competition Cup that was play today at Amaba Central Primary School Field.
The match ended in a one one draw between two teams and they both played 5 man penelty and the Amaba Ikputu won through the penalty kicks.
The football competition was sponsored by Hon. Ifeanyichukwu O. Odinkemere.
He thanked the both teams for their spirit of sportmanship Love and Unity that was displayed by the players and their communities fans .
Comrade Chinweuba Anyaragbu The Coordinator NYCN presented medals to the both teams for their great performance in the Competetion. .
Hon. Ifeanyichukwu .O .Odinkemere Presented the Cup to the Amaba Ikputu Fc as the New Champion.
Hon. Philip Iroegbulam SDP House of Candidate of Ikwuano and his entourage graced the match and commended Hon. Odinkemere for this gesture to host the football tournament.
Comrade Cokey Nwachukwu the former Deputy Chairman graced the Occasion and also commended the sponsor for the football compitition
has cautioned all the players in their various villages to abide by the rules of the game, accept fair play, and discipline while the match is going on.
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