CDA News Joins Christians to Celebrate the Founder of St. Joseph’s Chosen Church of God Int’l , Apostle Joseph Ikechiuku
CDA News Boss joins Christians to celebrate the founder of St. Joseph’s Chosen Church of God Int’l, Apostle Joseph Ikechiuku the elect of God.
He was called to glory by the Lord 25 years ago on September 1st, 1998.
CDA Ness Boss describes Our beloved Father in the Lord, Apostle Joseph Ikechiuku as an Anointed Saint of God, Filled with Holy Spirits, Philanthropist, Passionate Leader, Dedicated to the kingdom of God’s work, Great Mentor, and Man of God.
You can never compare him to this new generation of pastors who are measured by their earthly wealth, their private jets, nice cars, and houses, our father was unique and different,
He was committed to establishing the foundation upon which the church was built.
He was selfless and sought no worldly fames and favors, Papa Ikechi was one in a million kind, spectacularly gifted in so many ways, he was a successful photographer, a successful tailor who designed and made his minister’s garments, a carpenter and everything in between, he excelled in the work of God.
Our father was a miracle worker whose work is very well-known around the world.
As the Church Celebrates the Founder’s Day, a passionate man of God whose teaching was an inspiration of the holy spirit, God used him for great miracles and signs and wonders. I join with the host to celebrate our legendary Apostle Joseph Ikechiuku.
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