Mr.Friday Chintua and wife Dedicate Master Wealth Chidiebube Chintua to God today at SDA Ehimiri Umuahia.
It was great joy in the home of Mr.Chintua Friday and His wife Mrs. Ebere Chintua as they dedicated their son Master Wealth Chidiebube Chintua, at the Seventh Day Adventist Church Ehimiri in Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State.
Mr. Friday Chintua expressed joy to God for giving him a bouncing baby boy who he described as an additional blessing to his household.
In the sermon at the occasion, the Pastor, of SDA Church Ehimiri Pastor Ihedigbo reminded parents that adequate care and attention is a duty they owe the child and bring him up in a Christ-like manner.
It is to your benefit when you give your children good training, attention, care, and love”, pastor Ihedigbo stated.
Above all, you fill the instructions of God when you train your children and wards in the fear and nature of God.
Handing over the certificate of the dedication of Master Wealth Chidiebube Chintua to the parents, Pastor Ihedigbo expressed confidence that Mr.Friday Chintua and his wife Mrs. Ebere Chintua will not relegate their parental role but will ensure that Master Wealth Chidiebube Chintua will be raised in the fear of God and to the benefit of humanity.
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