The Senate, on Thursday, directed the Police Service Commission and the Nigeria Police Force to recruit a minimum of 10 candidates from each of the 774 local government councils in Nigeria.
The directive, according to the Upper Chamber, should form part of its annual recruitment processes.
The resolution was reached as a result of a motion moved by Sen. Emmanuel, Udende Memga representing Benue North East, on the need for the Police Service Commission and the Nigeria Police Force, to adhere to the Federal Character Principle in the recruitment of constables in the Nigerian Police Force.
The Upper Chamber also directed the Committees on Police Affairs and Legislative Compliance to ensure compliance.
This is a bill for an act to establish the National Assembly Budget and Research Office, scaled second reading on Thursday, February 29, 2024.
If eventually passed, the bill sponsored by the Deputy Senate President, Sen. Barau Jibrin, will provide the National Assembly with objective, timely, and non-partisan analysis needed for economic and budget decisions.
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