The Commander of the Ondo State Security Network, otherwise known as Amotekun, Akogun Adetunji Adeleye, has revealed that some of the suspects involved in the June 5 terror attack at Saint Francis Catholic Church, Owo, have been apprehended.
According to Adeleye, the vehicle that the gunmen used to escape from the scene of the attack had also been retrieved as well as some of the instruments used.
The Amotekun Commander disclosed this while parading 71 suspected criminals at the command’s headquarters on Thursday.
Though the actual figure of the suspects arrested in connection with the attack were not given,but all those involved in the attack would be tracked .The commander said.
He noted that investigation is ongoing and that the perpetrators of the terror attack in Owo will never go unpunished.
As regards the Owo incident, we have recovered the last vehicle they used for that operation and we made some arrests and we have also recovered some vital things which we are working on,” he said.
A number of people have been arrested concerning the Owo issue as well as some equipment.
We have told you that until we get to the root, I can assure you that the perpetrators and their sponsors will be brought to book.