The Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (Mouau),Abia state Students Continued their Protest Insist Justice must be given to them.
Serious efforts were made by the Vice-Chancellor Academic Professor Udo Herbert who was representing the Vice-Chancellor who was away for official assignment at Abuja.
The Angry student maintains their stand of not vacating from the entrance Gate.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, School PRO, and other principals officers approach them with angry students who air their problems.
1. The Dean of Student Affairs threatened to expel them for crying out and protesting against their pains.4
2. The Insist that the lost confidence in the Leadership of Famous Otuonye Student Union President should step down and hand over to the Vice President.
3.The demand restructure of the security system. Students are regularly attacked by robbers on campus daily and when they report some of the incidents it was wrongly handled. For example.
In a case when student pants were stolen from the female hostel the security felt reluctant to address the matter.
A student was attacked by a group of armed Bandit who cut off his hand and nothing happened over it.
The security Street light on campus does not work it gave strength for crime to increase because the whole place becomes dark at night.
Students are attacked during night classes inside the campus and the criminals goes scout-free.
Students Demand an apology from the Dean of Student Affairs for her foul language and threat issue.
The Generator operator refused to on the school Generator at night.
They cry out against No light and Water on their campus, No Security.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Udo Harbert made a great effort to address the student of which the Dean student affair refused to apologize to them and insist on her grounds.
The student refused to vacate the gate, Vowed they must wait till the Vice-chancellor Professor M. O IWe returns from his trip to address them.
CDA news reporters.